Just this year, two of my greatest bands on the "d" list went here in the Philippines- Switchfoot and Fall out boy. Today, Vertical Horizon will perform live at the Araneta with Rivermaya as front act. I will not be able to watch this act just like I missed the scenes of FOB and Switchfoot. What are the reasons for me missing out? you may ask. Well, time is one. You know, I'm a working now and I'm no longer enjoying the luxury of being a student whereas you can take a time off the class anytime you want. Another reason is the economy. You know that time when you check your resources and you found your pocket screaming towards you saying "you ain't got enough for your facial so you cant buy that FOB ticket! youdamnit!"Another reason why i was absent in that fall out boy concert is because my bff April who works in a media company who sponsored the concert, ignored the F R E E tickets just because she doesn't even know the band actually exist( yeah you may ask where on earth is she, but its blunt real, she does not know that Fall out boy is a singing band, and same thing happened with switchfoot.) But, don't get me wrong now, I'm not saying these to put a bad face on my friend. Its not like that. All of these reasons why I missed these concerts are all because of my own circumstances, of course. I am a fan but I don't have their Cd's, not one of it. I am a fan but I don't know every word of their songs. I am a fan but i don't really loosen up and dance or sing crazy when I hear them on the radio. I am still a big fan, because I believe in their talent and I believe in their purpose. I am still a fan because I relate to their messages. And I am still a fan because I find myself looking afar when I listen to them intimately. Call me one-big-bad-fan, but I think that It is such a cliche to see people dressing up and acting like their Idol. Its way to much to keep your idol's poster in your room, all sealed with double covers and guarded by a high-sounding alarm. I am not saying that its wrong to be die hard. All that I'm saying is that I wont subscribe to that practise. I know no cliche, and I wont believe to any of it.
All hail for FOB, Switchfoot and Vertical Horizon!
And still cheers to the local acts and bands!
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