In my case, 2007 definitely was a blessed year. The year when I finished school. The year when our class won the adclash- sweet sweep. The year when I became a part of the Alchemy family. The year when my new nephew, santino came into our family. Now, alongside with the blessings are mishaps of course(damn it). I am sad to say that I lost track of some the most important people in my super life.
Now, 2008 is here. There's no holding back to the year that was. Instead, we shall keep high hopes and include one higher lift for this year ahead.

opppz, this photo was taken not during the new year's eve. I was busy glazing at the fire works. So forgive me for this.
i'm sooo sad too ending my 2007,, i haven't ended the year by saying goodbye or whatever.. but when i read this i became sadder.. somehow i'm part of those events that u mentioned which reminds me of best and worst days of our college life..=)
time to face another challenging year denis.. Godbless us all this 2008..
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