I went home a little late last night. I don't know what it is that cosmic system has but there were 7 Shemales* in front of our gate looking all dressed up and waiting for something that I would not care to know. I never really had a problem with shemales. They look cute alright, and funny sometimes. But, I just have this strange feelings about them. It does not mean that I discriminate. I am the leader of this fairness believer band.
Because its already late, our gate is damn closed. Two of those shemales approached me and tried to start a small talk. I just ignored them. And then they started this chant :
"Mr. dreamboy, Mr. Dreamboy, Ipa- t**** mo na ang t*** mo..." (a chant inviting a felatio)
That really made my heart tremble. Is this the night that I will be abused? I'm not even good looking or gym-buffed to get such attention. This two shemales are about to get closer when finally, my mother openned the gate and I escaped a possible sleazy act.
Now, I am more aware and careful. but, this wont stop me from going home late. =)
Disclaimer: this is NOT a post of discrimination. This is a real story and I narrated it not to shed bad light to the pink community.
*Shemale: a croos-dresser gay man.
baka mga holdaper? ingat always sa mga ganyan :) harmful din yan sila :D
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