I said this before, but I guess I spoiled it- I will never write a flick review for I am no movie expert of any kind. So, safe to say that this review is from a normal movie-goer. The casting was great. The characters were played in a not so magnified way, but the actors did give justice to the roles. The most unfortunate thing about the movie is the plot itself. The story lacks the depth and sense of logic. I was expecting a great screenplay since the trailers are really interesting. The effects are great and I love the Jumper’s teleportation after effects. Another down side is that I was expecting to see a massive war between the protagonists and antagonists, but the fight scenes and chase scenes were so limited. From a scale of 1-10, this movie is 6 for me.
Good thing that I saw the movie through the Monster Movie Premiere of RX. I joined the contest a

It is a great year of Hollywood movies. I have seen some interesting story plot and colorful teasers. I just hope they would all exceed the excitement brought about by mere teasers.

really?? if it didn't meet your expectation how bout mine?? good thing i didnt exert much effort to watch it..
really a 6?
i was about to watch that movie earlier.
actually 3 attempts to watch that film this week. heheh
yes chase. my own review though. feel free to watch it.=)
thats if you're apt for effects.
sure exchange links tayo
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