Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Crush Crush List

Just today, through the rugged superhero blog, i finally find Bianca Gonzales. I am really amazed how she is simply blissed and naturally positive. Plus, were both using Blogspot, so I'd say there's a connection. (haha, ipilit na) So this blog post is dedicated to Ms Bianca Gonzales and other Asian women whose just irresistibly attractive and amazing.

With this, I present to you my top 5 crush.hehe. cheesy it is! I like them all.

5. Alexis Bledel
Alexis is not American, but you will be taken off by her nice accent and play of words. She's cute and a natural fashionista.

4. Angel Aquino
can you tell that she's already a mom?

3. Anne Curtis
She's my drama queen with oozing good taste. We all have noticed that her acting improved 'dramatically' after switching network.

2. Bianca Gonzales

My Brainy Crush. I am with her on her advocates
and she swept me away with her wits. hayyyy.

1. Sarah Meier
My Jock.hehehe. Flawless in all means and really really really beautiful. God send.