Wednesday, March 19, 2008

La Greta

Everybody definitely knows who Gretchen Baretto is. She has become a household name because of the high profile glitz in her life. Like what we all know, she came from a prominent family and is also “romantically” affiliated with a strong-named person too. La Gretta , that is how most people call her. She has been tagged as the most beautiful face of her generation. Now, don’t get me wrong but this post is not about gossips or anything to that effect. I am actually paying high regards to this woman. She has sent her self into the limelight of intrigues but kept her smooth personality. She definitely manifested the cliché of defying age. She is just so beautiful and she is actually the concrete standard of beauty among Filipinas. She may be called as the Paris Hilton of the Philippines but I’d say she’s more than that.

I know that a lot of people came to hate Gretchen. As they say, she’s the kind of person whom you will either hate or love. My take on this is to have a little empathy. Try walking around with her expensive shoes and her people divulging unsolicited opinion about you- wont you go and b**** out?