Tuesday, February 26, 2008

BOng SumbOnG.( Bong tipster) IS HERE.

This is one great Tuesday. The sky maybe a little weary, but I could not delay this anymore. After a long tedious process of scanning the World Wide Web, here now is the most capable person I found to help me gain more articulation of the discreet in this blog.

Everyone please put up some cheers for the newest blood in the Greenfields, Bong Sumbong! (Bong the Tipster)

Now, let me fill you in with who Bong is.

/-Bong Sumbong-/ is a natural urbanite. He is very current and he is always in the running of the active social circulations. He is presently situated in the urban area but he is a native of the suburbs of the country. Bong is young, but he’s intricate mind guides him through living this very uncertain times in our society. He is very receptive to the stimuli around him. He is very active in paying attention to everything that’s happening around him. He aims to deliberately showcase the good stuff and of course, put a shame on the faces of bad doers.

Everyone, let Bong Sumbong help me articulate the discreet here in our Greenfields, now.

See Bong Sumbong every Wednesday.